Martine Hesselink

Short Free Graphics course

6 lessons of 3 hours, Thursday afternoon from 1:15 PM to 4:15 PM

Local: Charles Eijck

Price: €195

In this course, Martine Hesselink, in collaboration with Eva Lensink, will make prints in a free, creative way with printing ink on paper.

We make monoprints, which means that every print made has a unique character.

We experiment with printing techniques such as letterpress and intaglio printing. We are inspired by printing and techniques from the art world. Everyone works on developing their own style based on assignments and with explanations.

We work with textured paper and natural materials, among other things. Printing can be done by hand, but there is also an etching press in the room that can be used.

This course is suitable for both beginners and advanced students.

Dates for October/November 2024:

October 3, 10, 17 and 31

November 7 and 14

Short course: Follow-up course Free Graphics

In this Free Graphics Follow-up Course you will further develop the technique of monoprinting.

Experiments are being conducted with intaglio printing and letterpress printing. The emphasis in this follow-up course is on using structure, printing in multiple layers and combining materials. Techniques that will be discussed include collagraph (printing technique with textured paper) and chine collé.

Everyone works on developing their own style based on assignments and with guidance.
The two existing etching presses can be used. This course is suitable for both beginners and more advanced students who want to refresh or further develop their skills. To gain insight into the techniques, it is an advantage, but certainly not a necessity, to have taken the Free Graphics course.

Price: €150

6 lessons of 3 hours, Thursday afternoon from 1:15 PM to 4:15 PM

Lesson dates 2025:

February 27

March 13, 20 and 27

April 3 and 10

Linocut course

During this Linoleum Cut course, the basics of making linoleum prints are learned in the first lessons. Reduction prints and block prints are discussed next, as well as techniques to create different colors in your print.

Finally, there is the option to experiment with lino prints in combination with mono prints. The emphasis in this course is on learning skills and using technology creatively.

Examples from the art world are discussed and everyone works on developing their own style based on (free) assignments. The prints can be made by hand. The two existing etching presses can also be used. This course is suitable for both beginners and more advanced students who want to refresh or further develop their skills.

10 lessons of 3 hours

Thursday afternoon from 1:15 PM to 4:15 PM

Price: €250

Lesson dates:


November 28

December 5, 12 and 19


January 9, 16, 23 and 30

February 6 and 13