Saïd ten Brinke fotografie Vrije Academie Maastricht
Saïd ten Brinke fotografie Vrije Academie Maastricht

Saïd ten Brinke


For digital camera and IPhone/smartphone users.

This course includes an outdoor workshop and is given twice a year: from September to February, and from February to July.

€ 272,25 per 10 lessons (incl. VAT) / Monday from 19:30 to 21:30 / 1x lesson every two weeks.

Start date: Monday September 2, 2024

There are quite a few actions involved when photographing with a digital camera, iPhone or smartphone. Knowledge of light, location, composition and the right timing must be combined with proper camera operation. During the basic digital photography course you will learn to perform all these actions quickly and naturally. It is important to put the lesson content into practice immediately, so the student has two weeks to complete a home assignment between each lesson.

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BASIS II / Composition techniques

For digital camera and IPhone/smartphone users.

This course is given twice a year: from September to February, and from February to July.

€ 272,25 per 10 lessons (incl. VAT) / Monday from 19:30 to 21:30 / 1x lesson every two weeks.

Included are an outdoor workshop and a group exhibition.

Start date: Monday September 9, 2024

During this course, the student will be challenged mainly technically and substantively to explore new possibilities. The emphasis will increasingly be on deepening composition techniques and developing an authentic style. Photographic genres such as portrait, nature or reportage will be more emphatically discussed in class and home assignments. It is important to put the lesson content into practice immediately, so the student has two weeks to carry out a home assignment between each lesson.

View all class dates here <