Vivianne Schuijren Vrije Academie Maastricht
Vivianne Schuijren Vrije Academie Maastricht



As a professional sculptor, Vivianne Schuijren masters various craft skills such as bronze casting, mold making, stone carving, letter carving and modeling.

She also has over 25 years of teaching experience.

2 Courses:

. 10 lessons working in stone (from September 25, 2024)

. Sculpting for advanced students (first mentor lesson will soon be announced)

Course 10 lessons working in stone

Time: 2:00 PM to 4:30 PM on Wednesday afternoons

You can choose to work with different types of stone that you must purchase yourself. I am happy to advise you on this.

Hard stone types such as French limestone, marble or Belgian bluestone are more suitable for specific stonemasonry skills and techniques.

Softer stone such as marl, soapstone, serpentine and alabaster are easier to work with a rasp, file or sandpaper.

What do we do

-Making preliminary studies/designs in small and techniques of working with clay. Building form through addition.

-Executing a final shape in stone and the technical skills of stone carving.

What are we going to learn

The essence of sculpture, form language.

Learning to observe and think like a sculptor.

The meaning of mass and residual space.

The difference between just making something and making a sculpture.

Thinking in stone i.e. Removing material instead of adding it. How do you start? What should be removed first? The basic technique of stone carving and the associated steps.

Which chisel is used for what and how do you work with it.

During the lessons only manual work is done instead of machine.

Rasping, filing and possibly polishing techniques.

Whether or not to have a plinth under your sculpture and how to determine it.

Basic tools are available with which everyone can get started, later it is recommended to purchase your own tools because that works best.

Although we work in a group, everyone is guided on an individual level and the emphasis is on finding and developing your own personal visual language. So you decide for yourself what you make. We are not all going to make or copy the same thing from a picture we found on the internet or something like that.

In good weather, you can also work outside.

Costs excl. materials 20 euros per lesson excl. 21% VAT

Teaching dates for the 2024/2025 season

Block 1

September: 25
October: 2, 9, 16, 30
November: 6, 13, 21, 27
December: 4

Block 2


January: 15, 22, 29

February: 5, 12, 19, 26

March: 10

Block 3


March: 31

April: 2, 9, 16

May: 7, 14, 21, 28

Sculpting for advanced students

Mentor lessons and work independently through studio pass.

This working group is intended for sculptors who can work independently but who also want a work meeting with a mentor at least once a month.

By registering as an apprentice you can apply for a studio pass that allows you to work independently in our Charles Vos studio. You can decide when and how often, whether you want to work alone or prefer the benefits of a group. The date must be reserved in advance. Information at the counter.

Sculpting in classical materials:

Stone, bronze, wax, wood, clay, plaster, etc. require a lot of knowledge of materials, technical skills, craftsmanship and spatial insight. This requires years of experience.

Advanced means:

- Able to work independently
- Mastery of basic stone carving techniques, chisel techniques and skills.
- Being able to carry out your own design.
- Material knowledge and experience.
- Spatial awareness.

The mentor lesson consists of:

- Refining and deepening these skills.
- Empowering your design language: How do you make the form more powerful? Viewing techniques.
- Discussion of concept. Consultation on design, formal language, inspiration, inspiration, own signature and any problems in this area.

Mentor lessons are once a month for five months.
The cost of the mentor lessons is €175,-.
The costs of the studio for independent work are €5 per half day and depend on your use. The costs of studio use are separate from the mentor lessons and are at your own expense. You must reserve the studio yourself via:

Day and date of mentor lessons:
Once a month on Monday afternoon from 2:00 PM to 4:30 PM.